Group Fitness
With a wide variety of classes to choose from, GW Group Fitness will help you stay motivated, increase energy levels, and have more fun with your workouts. Group Fitness Classes will be held inside the Lerner Health & Wellness Center. Registration is required in advance for each class. Registration opens 20 days prior to class start time and closes 5 minutes prior to class start time. All class registration can be done through DSE. Class types, days, and times will vary.
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Group Fitness Policies
- Waitlist
- If there is a waitlist for a class, patrons will be admitted to the class as space becomes available and in the order of arrival.
- Meaning that the second person on the waitlist to show up to the class will be the second person let in if two spots open up.
- Waitlisted patrons should line up on the wall by the lockers/elevator in order of arrival.
- Registered patrons will be given a 2-minute grace period once the class begins for a full class. If they do not arrive within the first 2 minutes of class, their spot is given up to those on the waitlist.
- Ex. If class begins at 5:10pm and registered patrons have not arrived by 5:12pm, then patrons on the waitlist can be let in according to the amount of spots available.
- Registered patrons should cancel class ahead of time if they no longer plan on attending in order to create space for waitlisted patrons to be added to the class roster.
- Late Arrival
- Patrons MUST arrive within five minutes of the scheduled class start time.
- Anyone who arrives past the 5-minute mark will not be permitted entry to class.
- Free Week
- Registered patrons have first priority for class entry. Patrons must pay for a group fitness pass or a qualifying membership in order to be eligible for class registration.
- Those looking to take advantage of the free classes will not be able to register in advance. These patrons should just show up to class on standby, so they will be admitted on a first come first serve basis.
- Unregistered patrons should line up on the wall by the lockers/elevator in order of arrival.
- Patrons can be let into class 5 minutes prior to start time if there is still space available on the roster. If there is no space available, the waitlist policy will be followed.
We have uploaded over 100 group fitness classes, workshops, and fitness tutorials on our GW Campus Rec YouTube channel for you to enjoy at your convenience.