Walking and Running Routes

Step Into Spring: Walking Challenge

We are happy to announce the launch of our "Step Into Spring: Walking Challenge"! This challenge begins April 1st and runs through April 28th. We hope to encourage you to take a walk around the city, enjoy the weather, take a break from your computer and get active, and to explore and learn more about Washington, DC!

How to Participate

  • Save the Tracking Grid and all of the Walking Routes.
  • Whenever you complete a route, post and tag us on Instagram! @gwcampusrec
  • Post the Tracking Grid, marking off the location visited.
  • Post the distance walked (And a screenshot of your recorded distance if you wear a tracker).
  • Post a photo of the location you visited - feel free to pose in the photo as well!
  • We will be sure to repost!

Walking Routes

All routes start at the University Student Center (800 21st St NW) and end at the indicated destination.

  1. Thomas Jefferson Memorial - 1.9 Miles
  2. Basilica Of The National Shrine Of The Immaculate Conception - 4 Miles
  3. Howard Theater - 2.1 Miles
  4. Vietnam Women’s Memorial - 0.7 Mile
  5. United States Botanic Garden - 2.5 Miles
  6. Lincoln Park - 3.4 Miles
  7. Supreme Court - 2.7 Miles
  8. Federal Bureau Of Investigation - 1.8 Miles
  9. National Gallery Of Art - 2 Miles
  10. Theodore Roosevelt Island - 1.7 Miles
  11. African American Civil War Memorial - 1.9 Miles
  12. Rock Creek Park - 2.8 Miles
  13. Old Stone House - 0.9 Mile
  14. Lincoln Memorial - 0.8 Mile
  15. White House - 0.6 Mile
  16. International Spy Museum - 2.1 Miles
  17. Ben’s Chili Bowl - 1.8 Miles
  18. Ford’s Theater - 1.4 Miles
  19. Exorcist Steps - 1.6 Miles
  20. Audi Field - 3.3 Miles
  21. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum - 1.5 Miles
  22. Black Lives Matter Plaza - 0.6 Mile
  23. National Archives Museum - 1.7 Miles
  24. Meridian Hill Park - 1.5 Miles
  25. United States Capitol - 2.8 Miles


*Due to the nature of running in the District of Columbia, many of these routes will take you across streets that are heavily traveled by automobiles. Walkers and runners are advised to take extra precautions when crossing these intersections. Remember to run safely - run with a friend. If you choose to run alone, only run in areas that are familiar to you, never run with headphones on, and run in the daylight.*


How many miles will you walk this Spring? We can't wait to find out!
