Equipment Checkout

Weight lifting equipment


Equipment Checkout 

Sports and fitness equipment can be checked out for use within Lerner Health and Wellness Center. To check out equipment, bring your GWorld card with you to the Equipment Desk on the lower level of the facility and ask for the desired equipment.  

All patrons agree to abide by all of the following equipment rental policies:

  • Equipment must be returned by the time the building closes the day it was checked out.
  • Equipment must be checked back in with the Equipment Desk staff.
  • Pay the replacement cost of any check-out item by the end of the day of checkout.
  • Not returning equipment will also result in the loss of checkout privileges.
Weight icon

Weights and Fitness

Jump rope
Resistance band
Ab roller

Ball icon


Men's basketball
Women's basketball


Squash and racquetball icon

Racquet Sports

Squash racquet
Squash ball
Eye guard
Badminton racquet
Table tennis paddle
Table tennis ball

Miscellaneous equipment icon

Locker Room

Bath towel
Day use lock