Lerner Learning Series

The Lerner Learning Series is a set of five workshops focused on teaching students, faculty, and staff about fitness and wellness fundamentals in a safe and inclusive learning environment. These workshops are led by professionals in the fitness space and are meant to promote health-seeking behaviors and balanced wellness. Each workshop will have a presentation followed by an interactive element, whether that be a short workout, discussion, or interactive assessment. Make sure you log in to your GW Engage account before registering. If you have any questions, please email [email protected].

Building muscle decreases risk of diseases, strengthens bones and ligaments, shapes the body, and can accelerate fat loss. Just because you’re at home doesn’t mean you have to put your goals on pause! Learn techniques to maximize your muscle growth in and out of the gym during your lifts, tools for an effective strength session with minimal equipment, and general nutrition guidelines to build muscle. 

(Devon Ott)

January 19 Registration

April 20 Registration

It’s all about balance! Earlier this summer, we discussed Self-Care and best practices to apply it daily in terms of fitness, nutrition, sleep and stress management. In this Lerner Learning Series, we’ll discuss how daily activity and movement - even just a 30 minute walk - is impactful to our wellness and maintaining balance!

(Caitlin Daw)

January 21 Registration

April 7 Registration

Do you have a behavior that you want to make into a habit? This Lerner Learning Series will be focused on tactics and strategies to build habits that are sustainable and positive. This workshop will be interactive and group-based.

(Mallory McPherson-Wehan)

January 28 Registration

April 1 Registration

Fascia is a connective tissue in the body that is often called "the in between stuff", but research is now showing it might be far more of a key player than that label suggests. Come to this LLS to learn more about your body's fascial network and leave with tools to open and soften some commonly stuck areas!

(Meredith Clemons)

February 17 Registration

April 14 Registration

During this Lerner Learning Series, we will start by discussing some tips for practicing yoga at home, including ideas for how to substitute common household items for yoga props and how to develop a balanced home practice.  After this discussion, we will move through some short yoga sequences and close out with a seated meditation.  Come prepared to move and bring a journal and something to write with in case you want to take notes! 

(Caroline Farrell)

March 24 Registration

April 28 Registration